Thursday, March 27, 2008

EXTRA Product Launch Formula 2.0 Bonus #2 added

From Jeff Walker:

OK, I’ve got another extra Product Launch Formula 2.0 bonus for you… I can’t take a lot of time to describe this, since things are just a little too hectic right now - so I have to make this quick. But don’t let my brief description fool you… this is powerful stuff.

If there’s anything that has propelled my success more than anything else, it’s been masterminding with other entrepreneurs.

But it can be hard to get hooked up with a mastermind team.

So I’m going to take care of that for you… your very own MASTERMIND TEAM.

I offered this once before, long ago… and some of the mastermind teams are STILL going strong more than two years later.

In fact, one team worked together and actually CREATED THEIR OWN PRODUCT.

That was pretty amazing.

So for the first 300 people who jump on board PLF 2.0, we will gather everyone’s information and create mastermind teams.

This is a VERY labor intensive process, so it will take us a few weeks to put together, but the value you get will be worth it.

best regards,

1 comment:

Rodger Bailey said...

Do you think it is so important to 'design' who is teamed with whom in developing master-mind groups? In my experience the mastermind really sparks and glows when the backgrounds are varied, but the outcome is shared.

I'm in the design phase of a boot-camp for information product development and marketing for people in the self-help field. I was going to allocate who was in which mastermind group based on who could attend which conference call schedule.